Friday, October 19, 2012

Lennie has made The Visit to the vet

Not much change, folks.  Still cheerful, still squeaky-voiced, still ready to chew on you.  "Constructive Discipline" will continue for a while longer, I think.  If the change in Lennie's life made him less inclined to rip and tear (which includes bouncing off walls and climbing door openings) that will be fine with me.

Here are pictures.  It's hard to tell, but he's grown considerably and weighs 7.5 pounds.

I've been trying to keep the toys in a box, but he's less inclined to play with them when he has to get them out of the box.  He prefers that they be lying somewhere for him to pounce on.  His favorite toys are still the pieces of bark and wood that he chews or claws off the indoor wood supply. Daily vacuuming is a necessity.

I do believe, though, that he's grown into his feet and his tail. (Note the cat toy lying on the kitchen floor, waiting to be pounced on.)

Finally, here's a picture of Walter, who's been at the vet long enough that he gets the run of the place until customers start to arrive (then he makes a beeline for the door!).  This cat could obviously be Tyler's first cousin.  For readers who don't know the family cats, Tyler is Tim's cat.  This picture doesn't really show how much Walter and Tyler look alike. They are the same size, have the same shape head, and the same fur colors, although Walter has more color than Tyler does, I think.