There was so much publicity about the moon that I was quite excited about seeing a larger-than-harvest-moon moon. Well, moonrise was a great disappointment. Looked like any old fall harvest moon.
But this morning! This is the moon at 6:30 am! It was HUGE and golden. Because the house faces west, I see far more moon-sets than moon-rises, and this was far different from the usual pale orb. This not the picture I wanted. After I took this one on the Nighttime setting, I tried to fool the camera, using the Fireworks setting. It was so much lighter, and so much better composed, and ... camera shake. Then I read the book, which said to use a tripod. Rats. So this picture has to do.
The snow is melting, slowly, which is OK because the sump pump is keeping the basement water to a mere inconvenience. The snowplow pile is still 6 feet tall, but the snowpile by the front door is almost gone. Look!