Saturday, December 3, 2011

It wasn't a cold, it was the flu

Horrible. The whole week has been just horrible. It took me until Thursday to realize that I needed to treat my self like the Sick Person I was, to stop contaminating my co-workers, and go to bed.  But I woke today with no cement-block head, and the unshakeable conviction that fresh air would be a good thing, and that always means I'm really on the road to recovery.

Herewith, a celebratory poem with apologies to Robert Lewis Stephenson (

When I was sick and lay a-bed
I had two pillows at my head
And all my yarn beside me lay
To keep me happy all the day.

And sometimes for an hour or so
I'd knit on scarves or gloves, or go
And sit beside the cozy stove
To watch a movie that I love.

And often I would take a nap
Or lay a book upon my lap
And read (with teacup by my side)
Or watch the snowflakes fall outside.

Fever and cough, while feeling chill,
Kept me upon the pillow-hill.
But health's returned! I now disdain
The pleasant land of counterpane.

1 comment:

  1. Me too. I wonder if it was a sinus thing. It didn't seem like a cold but it was just as bad, or worse. My voice seems to be coming back, so I'll try to sing "Fa la la la la la la la la" as part of the church Christmas concerts this weekend.
